Greek Theater of Syracuse
21 Apr

Etna Comics, the season is ready at the Greek Theater

Greek Theater of Syracuse


There are four shows scheduled at the Greek Theater of Syracuse in 2022. Il ricco calendario di rappresentazioni della 57esima stagione prenderà il via il 17 maggio e si concluderà il 9 July. Le prime tragedie saranno ‘Agamennone’ di Eschilo e ‘Edipo Re’ di Sofocle, che segnano l’origine della storia del teatro e della coscienza umana. Sarà poi la volta di ‘Ifigenia in Tauride’ di Euripide e della trilogia dell’Orestea’ curated by Marina Valensise under the supervision of Davide Livermore. Anche quest’anno si ripeteranno le Giornate siracusane, in cui i residenti della provincia di Siracusa potranno acquistare due biglietti al prezzo di 15 euro.



Agamennone, con la regia di Davide Livermore, sarà in scena a maggio al Teatro Greco, (from 17 al 31); 5 date a giugno (from 2 al 12 among the most important sector events in Italy) and the 5 July, con sette repliche. Il protagonista è il reduce che non ritrova nella sua casa nulla di ciò che aveva lasciato e che si aspettava, re arrogante, dal destino segnato. Nella reggia di Argo, un sistema di fuochi avverte che Troia è stata presa. Agamemnon's return is eagerly awaited, preceded by a herald who narrates the labors of the war and the arduous return. Clytemnestra has been preparing the murder of her husband for some time, who had sacrificed his firstborn to her. Agamemnon enters the scene bringing with him the concubine Cassandra, which prophesies the imminent regicide without being believed. She is slaughtered together with the king by Clytemnestra who takes power alongside her lover Egisto.


For Oedipus the king, directed by Robert Carsen, are provided 19 reruns from 18 May to 3 July. It is the story of a foreigner who had defeated the Sphinx ten years earlier and who now reigns in Thebes, married to Jocasta and father of four children. Led by a priest, his subjects ask him for help against the plague that devastates the city. At first Oedipus seeks the cause indicated by the oracle, the assassin of the previous king, laius, then his becomes the search for his own identity, that a messenger reveals to him different from what he thought. A cross investigation ultimately leads to the truth. Oedipus is the son of Laius, unknowingly killed his father, married his mother and fathered four sons-brothers.


The show, directed by Jacopo Gassman, will be staged at the Greek Theater from 17 June to 4 July for ten reruns. The first daughter of Agamemnon, Iphigenia, that everyone believes dead, lives in the remote Tauride. The goddess Artemis had saved her, replacing it with a doe and taking it away from Aulis at the moment when the father was sacrificing it. Iphigenia narrates it in the prologue, descrivendo la sua dolorosa condizione di sacerdotessa di Artemide, straniera in un paese straniero, costretta a sacrifici umani. Il fratello Oreste, in fuga dalle Erinni, approda in Tauride con Pilade e sfugge al sacrificio perché riconosce la sorella. I tre beffano il re locale, Toante, e fuggono per mare.


La trilogia, con la regia di Davide Livermore, sarà in scena al Teatro Greco in un’unica data, the 9 July.


Il dramma apre la trilogia “Orestea”. Nella reggia di Argo, un sistema di fuochi avverte che Troia è stata presa. Agamemnon's return is eagerly awaited, preceded by a herald who narrates the labors of the war and the arduous return. Clytemnestra has been preparing the murder of her husband for some time, who had sacrificed his firstborn to her. Agamemnon enters the scene bringing with him the concubine Cassandra, which prophesies the imminent regicide without being believed. She is slaughtered together with the king by Clytemnestra who takes power alongside her lover Egisto.


Oreste, figlio di Agamennone, torna dopo dieci anni ad Argo e alla sua reggia, whose throne is usurped by the murderers of his father, that is, the mother Clytemnestra and her lover Egisto. At the tomb of the slain king he meets maids who pour libations for the dead, le Coefore, with his sister Elettra. With them invoked the protection of the slain king, Oreste kills Egisto first and then his mother. The furious bitches of Clytemnestra, the Erinyes, they persecute him relentlessly from Argos to Delphi, where the last act takes place. He comes out of the Apollo temple, who defends Oreste, in search of purification, against the Erinyes, excited by the ghost of the murdered queen. Oreste runs away again, towards Athens, where the goddess Athena entrusts the judgment on him to a new institution,a court whose jurors will have to decide whether to acquit or condemn Oreste. Thanks to Athena's vote, which is worth double, Orestes is acquitted and the Erinyes adapt to the new course, By disguising Eumenides (benevolent).

Tickets are on sale on the website of Inda Foundation

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